Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How to Stop Yourself From Making Art

#1  Demand that what you do has to be important or mean something

#2  Worry about how you'll ever make money from your art

#3  Find other things to distract you ie: Booze, Food, T.V,  Books, Talking with friends

#4  Demand that whatever you do has to be "Good" and "Worthy" of being sold

Great, now you too can worry and procrastinate and find an endless source of distractions! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

It'a been tough to create,  my attention sucks most of the time,  it seems like I can't get anything accomplished. Loads of anxiety today.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Done! I could sit there and noodle but I don't think it'd do me any good.  My paper ended up buckling so after it was dry I wet the back and then tacked it to my wall, maybe when it's dry it will have straightened out.  
I'd like to try illustration boards cuz they're thicker and I don't I'll have the buckling problem, plus I'd like to throw some acrylic into the mix.

Corndog man!   I got carried away with the wrinkles I think but I love doing the small details. I tend to draw too close to the edge of the paper huh?   Don't know what to do for the background, I have some clouds penciled in but I hadn't planned anything.
I fly by the seat of my pantaloons. 

So I'm starting this blog to document my creative process.  I'm procrastinating about  making new art as I'm sitting here typing,  not so easy sometimes ya know.  I don't      feel like sitting down either. Maybe I feel that what I'm about to create will suck? I'm  about to force myself then I'll put up a pic of  my progress.